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ISMAR 2019 - Beijing, China

ISMAR 2019 - Beijing, China

The ISMAR 2019 symposium was held in Beijing, China.

Dates: Oct 14 - Oct 18 2019.

  • Attendees
  • Number of Submissions
  • Accepted Journal Papers
  • Accepted Conference Papers

General Chairs
Qinping Zhao
Qinping Zhao Beihang University, China
Yongtian Wang
Yongtian Wang Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Henry BL Duh
Henry BL Duh La Trode University, Australia
S&T Program Chairs
Shimin Hu
Shimin Hu Tsinghua University, China
Joseph L. Gabbard
Joseph L. Gabbard Virginia Tech, US
Jens Grubert
Jens Grubert Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany
Stefanie Zollmann
Stefanie Zollmann University of Otago, New Zealand


Career Impact Award Recipient: Prof. Mark Billinghurst, University of South Australia
Mark Billinghurst has had a profound influence on our field, and is most deserving of the ISMAR Career Impact Award.
Best Impact Paper Award Recipients: Henderson, S. J., and Feiner, S.
for the paper "Evaluating the benefits of augmented reality for task localization in maintenance of an armored personnel carrier turret."
Best Paper Award ReconViguRation: Reconfiguring Physical Keyboards in Virtual Reality Recipients: Daniel Schneider, Alexander Otte, Travis Gesslein, Philipp Gagel, Bastian Kuth, Mohamad Shahm Damlakhi, Oliver Dietz, Eyal Ofek, Michel Pahud, Per Ola Kristensson, Jörg Müller, and Jens Grubert
Best Paper Honorable Mention Award Animated Stickies: Fast Video Projection Mapping onto a Markerless Plane through a Direct Closed-Loop Alignment Recipients: Shingo Kagami and Koichi Hashimoto
Best Poster Award Compact Light Field Augmented Reality Display with Eliminated Stray Light Using Discrete Structures Recipients: Cheng Yao, Yue Liu, Dewen Cheng, and Yongtian Wang
Best Presentation Award at Doctoral Consortium Social Perception of Pedestrians and Virtual Agents Using Movement Features Recipient: Tanmay Randhavane


First Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Shaozu Cao, Jie Pan, Jieqi Shi, and Shaojie Shen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
First Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Zike Yan, Pijian Sun, Xin Wang, Shunkai Li, Sheng Zhang, and Hongbin Zha, Peking University
Second Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Xinyu Wei, Zengming Tang, Huiyan Wu, and Jun Huang, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Second Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Darius Rueckert, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
Third Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Jianhua Zhang, Shengyong Chen, Mengping Gui, Jialing Liu, Luzhen Ma, and Kaiqi Chen, Zhejiang University of Technology
Third Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Neo Yuan Rong Dexter, and Toh Yu Heng, Pensees


Wen Gao Peking University , China Title: AVS3 -- A New Generation of Video Coding Standard for Super High Vision and VR/AR
    Xiaoou Tang SenseTime , China Title: AI + AR: Magic in the AIR
      Dieter Schmalstieg TU Graz , Austria Title: A Research Agenda for Situated Visualization